

負傷による選手の長期欠場のお知らせ Player’s long term withdrawal for injury


■選手名: ジョニー・ファアウリ

■診断名: 左肩甲骨窩骨折、左肩亜脱臼 

■受傷日: 2022年12月25日(日)

■全治: 術後 約6ヶ月(2月10日術日)


Kindly be informed that Johnny Faauli was injured and has been diagnosed as below.

■Player name: Johnny Faauli

■Diagnosis: Fracture of the nail fossa of the left shoulder blade , Left shoulder subluxation

■Date of injury: Dec. 25, 2023

■Estimated period for recovery: Approx. 6 months after surgery(Surgery date is February 10th.)



■選手名: 山口楓斗

■診断名: 右橈骨骨幹部骨折 

■受傷日: 2023年2月19日

■全治: 3~4ヶ月


Kindly be informed that Futo Yamaguchi was injured and has been diagnosed as below. 

■Player name: Futo Yamaguchi 

■Diagnosis: Right radial diaphyseal fracture  

■Date of injury: Feb. 19, 2023 

■Estimated period for recovery: Approx. 3 ~ 4 months